Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Hoo are you? #38


Helllloooo fellow HOOOOOTS! Welcome to another week of


Here are this week's questions!

1. What is your favorite magazine?
Any new Beading Magazine is my favorite, though I do love to look through past issues!
2. What color are your eyes?
3. Do you go to the dentist on a regular 6 month schedule, or do you put it off?
I so put if off!
4. Do you use anything to make your house smell good?
ex: candles, spray,etc...
I love candles, but with a small apartment and a 3 member family who doesn't agree on scents.....
5. Do you have any pets?
We currently have a ferret.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


i am so glad to see spring, even with allergy season coming with it.

Even the weeds are pretty and colorful!

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Hoo are you? #37


Helllloooo fellow HOOOOOTS! Welcome to another week of


Here are this week's questions!

1. Have you ever had a professional massage before?
2. When drinking bottled water do you have a preference on which brand you drink?
3. What is your favorite kind of soup?
I do not eat a lot of soup.  I like Tomato but only with garlic and grilled cheese.  Homemade Chicken N Dumplings is good, Homemade beef stew is also good.
4. Do you have a preference on which Kleenex brand you use? 
We use Puffs with no lotion.
5. What is your favorite breakfast food?
Bacon, or fried potatoes.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Hoo are you? #34


Here are this week's questions!

1. Do you make a budget and keep it, or just fly by the seat of your pants?
We budget the bills and food, then the fun stuff gets decided after that.
2. Do you do spring cleaning and if so which month?
I do not spring clean normally, once a month I do one big clean sweep.  Except this year during snow days we spring cleaned the closets!
3. Are you a yard sale lover and do you have them and go to them?
I love yard sales!! I do not have them as I currently live in an apartment, but daughter and me do go to them as often as we can!
4. What do you take when you have a headache?
For a normal headache I take ibuprofen, for a massive headache or migraine I take either Advil Migraine or this month I am trying Excedrin Migraine.
5. Name 3 things that you feel lucky to have in your life!
Family, Home, and Health